Sunday, May 11, 2008

we live in a world.

here is an angry list.

1. if you have kankles and are a fat obese piece of shit, dont try running across the road. what the fuck is up with fat people? i saw a woman at the children's hospital who could literally crush a small child with her fat ass.

2. if you dont like the city and all of us CrAzY people that live in it, dont fucking come here. you got what was coming to you.

3. montreal cops are the most power hungry pieces of shit known to man.

4. mcgill bros deserve to be u-locked.

here is a good list.

1. so many beers, soooooooo many.

2. bikes.

3. stef anderson.

4. stef anderson and her hockey fight fighting tactics.

5. jugs of carlo rossi.

6. stealing muffins.

7. going to bed when the sun is coming up and not doing drugs to achieve that.

8. slipping down a very slippery path.

we live in a world.

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

i couldnt agree with, or love you, more.